After a really long time we had a small gap to travel some days to Denmark. Normally we go there for the weekends and try to surf the choppy side of the swell.
It can be good there, it can... but normally only from Monday till Friday when your Work Life Balance is sucking on the wrong side of my Saltlife. Anyway, the forecast was shitty, but we had
some days off.
Luckily we had the chance to live in a holiday house, rented by my girlfriends mother. Otherwise, I wouldn't choose Denmark in these days with 0-2 degrees and snow with strong easterly winds.
Exactly the weather conditions where you only have fun with local things, eating and drinking. And we did it a lot!
It was like a cure for our starving surf souls to be back and have a look on the ocean.
But today, springtime is official starting and the Grey of the sky in northern Europe turns from dark Grey to a brighter Grey. A little spark of hope says the calendar.
You should have been here 7 month ago.... things can only get better!
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